CX 2020 is cancelled due to COVID-19


The 2020 Charing Cross (CX) Symposium that was due to take place next month in London, UK, has been cancelled due to COVID-19. 

In full, the statement from the CX Symposium team, reads:

“The CX Symposium team has made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the Charing Cross Symposium 2020 that was scheduled to take place from 21 to 24 April in London, UK. We will be refunding in full all the registration fees incurred by delegates and will work with our Faculty members to assist with their travel cancellations.

“With the unprecedented spread of COVID-19, it has become clear that the CX Symposium could not take place in its usual format. Some alternatives were considered, including a digital symposium to be made available during the dates of CX, but even this would not be possible in these challenging times. The medical profession has a frontline role in the fight against the virus and we are committed to supporting our friends and colleagues in the vascular community at this difficult time.

“The CX and BIBA Medical teams will continue to work hard on the media and digital front to bring you useful and key educational learnings on how medical teams from all over the world are responding to the growing number of COVID-19 patients.

“In addition, when the time seems right, we are planning for some of the carefully selected CX programme presentations to be transformed into a free online educational resource for the vascular community.

“Finally, a copy of the CX Book, containing the high-quality contribution by some of our Faculty, will be made available free of charge on the CX website.”

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