Nordion launches updated TheraSphere website for liver cancer physicians, patients and carers


Nordion announced that it has launched a new and improved TheraSphere website, providing liver cancer patients and physicians with customised TheraSphere resources that include medical and clinical information, online ordering, and digital resources.

“The new website highlights the resources and programs that make TheraSphere a truly unique treatment offering,” said Steve West, Nordion CEO and chief operating officer, Targeted Therapies. “With physicians and patients increasingly seeking digital delivery of treatment information and resources, the new website is the global hub that connects our users to a complete suite of training and support, whether they are administrating their first TheraSphere dose or their 100th.”

Specifically for physicians, the site offers access to a suite of TheraSphere resources, including:

  • TheraSphere preceptor programme: Connects physicians with experienced interventional radiologists that provide medical and technical advice to treatment users.
  • TheraSphere resource centre iPad app: A comprehensive educational tool designed for healthcare professionals, placing valuable product information at their fingertips.
  • Online ordering for standard and custom doses: TheraSphere users can order product online or by email, phone or fax. This includes custom doses, which are intended to provide greater treatment flexibility for physicians, save administration time and reduce product waste.
  • Expanded clinical trial information: Up-to-date information on TheraSphere Phase III clinical trials, which include YES-P (liver cancer patients with portal vein thrombosis) STOP-HCC (patients with hepatocellular carcinoma) and EPOCH (patients with colorectal cancer whose disease has metastasised to the liver).

In addition to the TheraSphere animation video and comprehensive Patient Information Guide, liver cancer patients and caregivers around the world can now find product information in their language, on dedicated pages offering quick access to treatment centres and resources specific to their location.

According to the company, the new website is optimised for mobile devices and all modern browsers, to meet the needs of users on the go, on their platform of choice.

About TheraSphere

In the USA, TheraSphere is used to treat patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who can have appropriately positioned hepatic arterial catheters, and can be used as a bridge to surgery or transplantation in these patients. It is also indicated for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with partial or branch portal vein thrombosis or occlusion when clinical evaluation warrants the treatment. TheraSphere is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under a Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE). HDE approvals are based on demonstrated safety and probable clinical benefit. However, effectiveness of the indication for use has not been established.

TheraSphere is used in the European Union and in Canada for the treatment of hepatic neoplasia in patients who have appropriately positioned arterial catheters.