IR in the UK: What we know
Sharing an update with Interventional News, consultant vascular radiologist Raghu Lakshminarayan (Hull University Teaching Hospital, Hull, UK) describes where interventional radiology (IR) stands within...
Interventional radiology: A play in three acts
I became an interventional radiologist by accident. As a resident in cardiology, I had an unusual chief: he belonged to a new breed of...
Liquid biopsy shows what you have been missing
Where is liquid biopsy today? Bruno Damascelli, Vladimira Tichà, Giancarlo Beltramo, Alberto Gramaglia and Gianluigi Patelli write on the complexities and challenges of the...
ASPCVIR president-elect provides a glimpse into IR in the Asia-Pacific region
Born and raised in Singapore, interventional radiologist Tay Kiang Hiong is professor and head of the department of vascular and interventional radiology at Singapore...