Bentley launches BeFlow iliac covered stent system at LINC 2025

Koen Deloose (second from the right) and his vascular team

Bentley today announced the market launch of its BeFlow iliac covered stent system at the Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC 2025; 28–30 January, Leipzig, Germany).

A press release notes that the BeFlow has been designed for the treatment of iliac occlusive and stenotic diseases and enables physicians to treat patients suffering from arteriosclerosis with a covered stent, ensuring safe treatment, long-term patency and durability.

“Our target is to provide a specialised solution for the growing number of patients suffering from diseased iliacs. Bentley has designed the BeFlow covered stent as a focused stent platform addressing stenotic and occluded iliac lesions. Combining all aspects of Bentley covered stent quality, the BeFlow has the potential to become a very competitive alternative in a price-sensitive market segment,” says Martijn Nugteren, director of sales and marketing at Bentley. The BeFlow comes in four diameters of 7 to 10mm and two nominal lengths of 37 and 57mm. A higher degree of product standardisation has a positive impact on production as well as logistic cost, making the BeFlow an affordable solution for the treatment of stenosed iliacs.

Nugteren adds: “Bare metal stents are still frequently used in heavily stenosed iliac arteries where a covered stent would have been the preferred option. Here, financial aspects influence the decision. With the BeFlow we hope to narrow the cost gap between bare metal stents and covered stents so that patients can be treated with a device that really makes a difference.”

Koen Deloose (AZ Sint-Blasius Hospital, Dendermonde, Belgium), who conducted the first-in-human BeFlow procedure involving a 78-year-old patient suffering from severe claudication, comments: “The BeFlow is a great solution for patients with complex aortoiliac occlusive disease. When dealing with more simple lesions, Bentley offers an established uncovered balloon expandable stent, the BeSmooth, with the same product features such as a low profile, high visibility and flexibility that we know from the already proven design from the BeGraft. Regarding ease of use during the endovascular intervention, the new BeFlow fulfils all requirements. Particularly, in heavily stenosed or even occluded iliacs, a covered stent is the preferred solution, as it will ensure long-term patency and is in line with the ESVS [European Society for Vascular Surgery] guidelines for iliac stenting, where it is stated that covered stents may be considered due to higher patency rates.”

Bentley advises that the BeFlow is CE certified and will be commercially available as of February 2025. After the market launch, Bentley plans a postmarket clinical follow-up (PMCF) study, led by Maria Antonella Ruffino (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Lugano, Switzerland), as principal investigator.


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