Microbot Medical announces first patient treated with endovascular robotic surgical system


microbot libertyMicrobot Medical has announced that Baptist Hospital of Miami, USA—which includes Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute and Miami Cancer Institute—has completed its first clinical procedure in a patient utilising the Liberty endovascular robotic surgical system.

The clinical case was performed shortly after last week’s announcement regarding the participation of Baptist Hospital of Miami as a clinical trial site. Baptist Hospital is the second clinical site to perform a clinical procedure, following the announcement earlier this week of the first clinical case at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston, USA.

The principal investigator at Baptist Hospital of Miami is Ripal Gandhi who performed this clinical case. The trial is part of the investigational device exemption (IDE) for Liberty, and the company expects its results will support the future submission to the US Food and Drug Administration (USA) and subsequent commercialisation.

“We are very excited to have a hospital of the calibre of Baptist Hospital of Miami performing clinical cases. It is very encouraging to see the progress of our clinical study, as within a couple of weeks we now have two sites actively enrolling patients,” commented Harel Gadot, CEO, president and chairman of Microbot Medical.


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