First clinical experiences with the Epione® Robot prove to be a game changer in interventional oncology


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Thierry de Baère (Paris, France), Laurent Milot (Lyon, France) and Govindarajan Narayanan (Miami, USA) sit down for an Interventional News Expert Panel discussion on robotics in Interventional Oncology.

The panel of experts discuss their early experiences and discovery moments in which they realised the value of Epione® (Quantum Surgical), what they feel are the clinical advantages of Epione®, as well as how to initiate a robotic programme within a practice or hospital.

One of the main discussion points is that this technology is not just beneficial for physicians that are at an earlier point in their career; even those who have “built [their] career on placing needles and doing CT-guided or image-guided ablations or biopsies” and are “skeptical about robotics because they can do better” will benefit from the use of Epione®, whether it is with robotic assistance for needle insertion or through the use of innovative planning software that allows for multi-needle placement.

The panel concludes that, with their experience in performing tumour ablation procedures, they found genuine value in the adoption of Epione® into their oncology programmes.

This video is sponsored by Quantum Surgical.


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