Tag: RCC


New data find cryoablation “highly effective” in treatment of solitary renal...

A single-centre, retrospective review has reported 13-year data confirming cryoablation as a “highly effective” treatment modality for solitary T1a renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with...

Cryoablation for renal cell carcinoma: Where do we stand? Where are...

Christos Georgiades (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA), delves into the various national society guidelines for treating renal cell carcinoma (RCC), what the ‘gold standard’...

For some small kidney cancers, freezing is more effective than heat...

For patients with early-stage renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) that measure between 3 and 4cm, cryoablation yields a lower risk of cancer-related death compared to...

New ethanol gel formulation holds “promise” for effective ablation in low...

“Our solution to the limitations of ethanol ablation is the polymer ethyl cellulose,” Erika Chelales (Center for Global Women’s Health Technologies, Duke University, Durham,...

SIR publishes first ever position statement on ablation in RCC: Interventional...

For some patients, kidney cancer can be effectively treated without surgery, according to the Society of Interventional Radiology’s first-ever position statement on the role...

Cryoablation improves survival more than thermal ablation for renal cell carcinoma...

Cryoablation may be associated with longer overall survival than heat-based thermal ablation in clinical T1a renal cell carcinoma (RCC), concludes a recent study published...

Adding cryoablation to sorafenib improves the efficacy of renal cell carcinoma...

Cryoablation increases the clinical efficacy of treatment with the oral multi-target antitumour drug sorafenib for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), a new study published...