Comparing and contrasting surgically-created AVFs with those made by endovascular means
Nicholas Inston (Birmingham, UK) tells Vascular News at LINC 2019 about the exciting field of percutaneous arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation, the main devices and...
Twelve-month NEAT trial data promising for everlinQ endoAVF haemodialysis access system
TVA Medical has announced the online publication of positive results from the Novel Endovascular Access Trial (NEAT) evaluating its everlinQ endoAVF system. The 12-month...
TVA Medical presents positive everlinQ endoAVF system results at LINC 2017
TVA Medical has provided clinical updates involving its everlinQ endoAVF system at the 2017 Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC; 24–17 January, Leipzig, Germany).
Scientific data were...