Tag: Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology


SIR appoints incoming JVIR  co-editors-in-chief

The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) has announced that Charles E Ray Jr (University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA), past...

Prevalent, invisible conflict of interest places US IR research results on...

Interventional radiology is regularly characterised as being “a hotbed of innovation”, but the first study to directly evaluate the level of agreement between disclosed...
Interventional News for specialists

Varian announces new vice president of Medical Affairs for Interventional Solutions

Varian is excited to announce David Hahn (clinical assistant professor of Radiology, University of Chicago Pritzker School, Chicago, USA) joined the company as vice...

Percutaneous irreversible electroporation “acceptably safe” for pancreatic adenocarcinoma treatment

A study, published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology suggests that percutaneous image-guided irreversible electroporation of unresectable locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma is...