Tag: fibroids

Salazar takes reins as UNC Radiology Vascular-Interventional Radiology division chief

The UNC Department of Radiology (Chapel Hill, USA) recently named Gloria Salazar, as the department’s next division chief of vascular and interventional radiology (VIR). Following...

Lobbying at social and political levels “crucial” to raise UAE profile

“Unnecessary hysterectomies” could be avoided by involving interventional radiologists at gynaecology multidisciplinary team meetings and in the patient counselling process, Gregory Markris, Saqib Butt,...

UAE effective in treating giant fibroids, study finds

“Current evidence shows uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a safe and effective option to treat giant fibroids,” Oliver Llewellyn (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,...

Women largely unaware of uterine fibroid embolization

American women are largely unaware of uterine fibroid embolization according to results from a new nationwide poll released by the Society of Interventional Radiology...