Interventional radiology among the most competitive medical specialties of 2018 in the USA


competitiveIntegrated interventional radiology has been listed among the American Medical Association’s (AMA) seven most competitive medical specialties in 2018.

“The National Resident Matching Program considers the most competitive specialties those that match with the highest percentage of US medical school graduates,” read a post written AMA staff writer Brendan Murphy. “In 2018, seven specialties with at least 25 positions offered were filled with at least 85% US medical school graduates.”

The total number of 2018 national medical school applicants for integrated interventional radiology was 217 students, though only 35 students matched. The statement noted the percentage of medical school seniors filling the positions was more than 97%.

“While 91.8% of US seniors matched to their preferred specialty, interventional radiology had the lowest rate of students—58.3%—who matched to it even though it was their preferred specialty,” Murphy wrote.

Integrated interventional radiology was one of four disciplines that did not have enough positions to accommodate all US seniors who preferred that specialty. The others included orthopaedic surgery, neurological surgery, and plastic surgery.

Other specialties in the AMA list included: otolaryngology, dermatology and thoracic surgery.

Sharing the news on Twitter, the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR) commented, “The BSIR are working hard to expand the interventional radiology family this side of the pond.”



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