Novel embolic device used for arterial and venous tumour treatments

GPX syringe

Fluidx Medical Technology has announced that GPX Embolic Device first patient use cases were presented at LINC 2021 (25–29 January, online).

“This is very promising technology,” said Andrew Holden (Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand), who presented the cases at LINC. “The very radiopaque GPX penetrates distally extremely well with excellent control and devascularised the renal tumour entirely.”

According to a Fluidx Medical Technology press release, GPX Embolic Device is an innovative embolic designed to combine the benefits of other embolics like coils, particles, and liquids with simplified preparation, delivery, precision, and control leading to durable, long-term occlusions. The GPX technology is a low viscosity, aqueous-based solution in a syringe that solidifies into a durable embolic material upon delivery, without polymerisation or dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO) precipitation associated with other embolics.

In the presentation, Holden showed cases in which GPX had successfully embolized the arterial vasculature of a renal angiomyolipoma and in another case, portal vein embolization in a patient with metastatic colon cancer. Of the latter case, Holden said the successful procedure “resulted in complete occlusion of the portal vein branches and excellent visualisation of the target site. At the six-week computed tomography (CT) scan, we can see the branch impact of the occlusion and the patient experienced good left lobe hypertrophy.”

GPX is packaged ready-to-use in a syringe, requires less than one minute of tableside preparation by the clinician, and may be delivered through standard catheters or microcatheters.


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