Interventional News’ top 10 most popular stories of February 2023


TOP 10

Interventional News’ most popular stories for the month of February included news from the Pan Arab Interventional Radiology Society annual meeting (PAIRS; 11–14 February, Dubai, UAE), along with other global meetings from the first couple of months of 2023; the announcement of Abbott’s acquisition of Cardiovascular Systems; and two articles from interventional radiologists themselves about the cutting-edge of ablation and embolization in their areas of the specialty—women’s health and interventional oncology (IO).

1) Biotronik launches Oscar multifunctional peripheral catheter

Biotronik announced the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance and CE mark of its Oscar (One Solution: Cross. Adjust. Restore) multifunctional peripheral catheter.

2) Abbott to acquire Cardiovascular Systems

Abbott and Cardiovascular Systems (CSI) have announced a definitive agreement for Abbott to acquire CSI. Under terms of the agreement, CSI stockholders will receive US$20 per common share at a total expected equity value of approximately US$890 million.

3) Vulvar varicosities: New procedure, durable results

Karim Abd El Tawab (Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt) wrote about his experiences using interventional radiology (IR) techniques, including ablation and coil embolization, to treat pelvic varicosities in women.

4) Concept Medical granted IDE approval for Magic Touch sirolimus DCB below the knee

The Magic Touch percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) sirolimus drug-coated balloon catheter (DCB) has received investigational device exemption (IDE) for the treatment of below-the-knee (BTK) atherosclerotic lesions in peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

5) Interventionalists split over shift towards ambulatory practice

A number of speakers took to the stage at the International Symposium on Endovascular Therapies (ISET; 16–19 January 2023, Miami Beach, USA) to debate the ‘ambulatory shift’ that is currently taking place in the interventional space.

6) PAIRS 2023: How dogs with seizures inspired novel neuro-oncology trial

Riad Salem (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA) took to the PAIRS podium to give insight into a new frontier in IO—yttrium 90 (Y90) microspheres to deliver targeted radiation to glioblastoma.

7) Histotripsy: New technology making waves in IO

Mina S Makary (Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, USA) and Warren A Campbell IV (Ohio State University, also Columbus) share their take on the impact histotripsy stands to make on the ablation space within IO.

8) New study demonstrates IVC filters “safe and effective” in treating venous thromboembolism

Few adverse events are connected to the use of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters to help prevent deep vein blood clots from developing into pulmonary embolisms (PE), according to the findings of the PRESERVE trial.

9) Postmarket study will evaluate CLS Tranberg thermal therapy system

Clinical Laserthermia Systems Americas (CLS)’s Tranberg thermal therapy system will be evaluated for safety and efficacy in treating low- to medium-risk prostate cancer patients outside of a hospital setting.

10) Patient-centric care: Recognising the value of non-clinical intervention

During the Society of Interventional Oncology (SIO) 2023 annual scientific meeting (19–23 January, Washington DC, USA), a panel of speakers delivered presentations on why patient-centred care is important, and how to provide it most effectively.


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